Sustainable & Healthy Living Consultation LIVE!

Harlow and Gilston Garden Town will be asking residents what they would like to see from new build homes and communities as part of the Sustainable and Healthy Living consultation that starts today, Monday 2 November.

Running online for six weeks, the consultation focuses on what living in the Garden Town should be like, both in Harlow today plus the planned Gilston Garden Town villages and the Garden Town neighbourhoods in East Harlow, Latton Priory and Water Lane.

Gilston’s Garden Town villages will be the first of the new neighbourhoods and this is currently in Planning and being considered by both East Herts Council and Harlow Council.

The consultation will look at how the Councils can support residents to lead healthy lives, improve the health and wellbeing of the community, reduce pollution and improve the quality of the air we breathe by dramatically reducing harmful vehicle emissions.

Garden Town Chairman, Guy Nicholson, said: “Harlow & Gilston Garden Town is one of the most exciting community regeneration projects in the UK.

“It places Harlow at the front of creating a 21st century Garden Town, capturing and investing into all that is best of the New Town, while creating a great place for us and the next generation to live, learn and work in.

“Please do take a moment to respond to the consultation because regeneration is not just led by building things. Real and lasting regeneration is led by you and the places you want to live in and see built.

“Your comments will help the Garden Town team deliver a place where we can all thrive and prosper in buildings that support us to realise our ambitions and aspirations.”

Residents of all ages can take part in the Sustainable and Healthy Living consultation and have their say.

And to help get into the spirit of the consultation, there is an interactive Sustainable and Healthy Living questionnaire running until 14 December 2020 via

The health theme continues for Harlow & Gilston with the Garden Town also working with The People’s Picture and Well North Enterprises on a new public art commission to engage with communities and help realise your vision for a healthy, sustainable, adaptable and innovative town.

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