Harlow & Gilston Garden Town have teamed up with CitizenLab to give residents a dedicated online engagement platform to comment on HGGT plans over the next 12 months.
And the online partnership kicks off today with a consultation on the East of Harlow Masterplanning Guidance SPD.
The aim of the East of Harlow document is to provide guidance for a developer producing a masterplan for the site, which is located to the east of Harlow and is allocated in the Harlow Council Local Plan and Epping Forest District Council Local Plan for a combined total of 3,350 new homes.
The document contains 12 chapters with detailed guidance on topics such as green infrastructure and landscape, connectivity and sustainable movement, layout of schools and local centres and vehicle access.
Click here to view the East of Harlow Masterplanning Guidance SPD on CitizenLab.
This is the easiest and quickest way to respond and to help support your response, HGGT partners have put together several questions.
There will also be a series of Q&A sessions, details of which will be made available on the consultation platform later in the consultation period.
Alternatively, you can email your response to haveyoursay@hggt.co.uk or send your response to our Freepost address: Freepost HGGT.
Hard copies are available to view at Harlow Civic Offices, Epping Forest Civic Offices, Old Harlow Library and Harlow Central Library during normal opening hours.
The consultation starts on Monday 31 July and closes at 5pm on Sunday 24th September.
Comments received after this date may not be accepted.