Cambridge Road, Harlow

Cambridge Road Works Nearing Completion

A road improvement scheme to support a key business area in Harlow is on track to be completed next month.

The Cambridge Road scheme, which is funded through Homes England, the Towns Fund and in partnership with Hertfordshire County Council, is the first phase of the new Harlow & Gilston Garden Town led transport infrastructure.

Traffic has, to date, only been only able to enter and leave the Templefields Industrial Estate and Enterprise Zone area at its western end via Edinburgh Road and River Way.

To provide improved, quicker access to the recently completed M11 J7a, a new entrance and exit on the A1184 Cambridge Road has been developed.

This will provide additional access to and from the eastern end of the industrial estate.

Additional pedestrian facilities are also being provided, promoting safer, greener and healthier travel in the area.

Overnight road closures have been in place over the last week to undertake resurfacing works.

Following the completion of resurfacing, the next stage of works will see new traffic signals installed, landscaping completed, and then demobilisation from the site.

During this period, temporary two-way lights will be required to keep everybody safe. These will be removed as soon as possible.

Councillor Tom Cunningham, Essex County Council Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport, said: “The team have been working hard to ensure that the scheme is delivered on schedule, and we thank residents for bearing with us during these works.

“Templefields is an important part of Harlow, not only providing significant manufacturing space at present but also longer-term development opportunities. Improving access will support economic growth, and also help better manage traffic.

“The scheme also forms part of the wider transport infrastructure we need to deliver to support the future Harlow and Gilston Garden Town development.”

Councillor Michael Hardware, Harlow Council Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, said: “It is essential that Harlow’s infrastructure improves to enable the planned growth of the town, particularly growth to the north of Harlow.

“This important project will create significantly improved access to a key location in the town, meaning better journey times and easing congestion for residents and local businesses, while helping to unlock economic growth and development opportunities.”

Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Director, Naisha Polaine, added: “Bringing benefits to local people is a key priority of the Garden Town project and residents are going to continue to see these delivered over time.

“We’re starting with better transport connections at Cambridge Road and will continue to work to give people more choice around public transport, walking and cycling.”

For more information on the scheme, visit

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