Here you can view our previous public consultations and engagements for various aspects of the scheme.
Stewardship in the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town is all about how our new places are created and then looked after and cared for in the long term.
The draft Stewardship Charter sets out six high level principles for stewardship which we feel that any proposed stewardship arrangement should achieve.
A public consultation for Getting Around in the Garden Town, a dedicated section that gives an overview of our future plans for transport across Harlow and Gilston.
The six week consultation period closed on Friday 13 March 2020 and we are now considering the responses from members of the public.
A public consultation for Getting Around in the Garden Town, a dedicated section that gives an overview of our future plans for transport across Harlow and Gilston.
The six week consultation period closed on Friday 13 March 2020 and we are now considering the responses from members of the public.
The Garden Town wants to set the agenda for sustainable and healthy living, making it easy for residents to adopt sustainable lifestyles and ensuring new development is high quality creating strong and integrated communities, and contributes towards meeting the five partner authorities Climate Emergency/Action declarations.
To help meet this ambition this we have prepared a Healthy Garden Town Framework and Sustainability Guidance and Checklist to provide practical and technical guidance for developers and officers on how to achieve and assess high quality environmental, social and economic sustainability and health in the Garden Town. We are consulting on these documents and would like to hear your views.
Our Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan consultation ran from Wednesday May 12 2021 – Sunday 13 June 2021
We want to make it easier and more pleasant for people to walk and cycle in Harlow and Gilston Garden Town. A large part of this is looking at what infrastructure can be developed or enhanced and we want to hear what you think of the plans so far.
How we travel in Harlow is set to change, following the launch of plans for the first in a series of new sustainable transport corridors within the town.
Led by Essex County Council, the ‘North to Centre Sustainable Transport Corridor’ will see the creation of new and improved walking, cycling and rapid bus transit routes between Burnt Mill Roundabout and Harlow Town Centre, helping create safer, greener and healthier ways to travel.
Part of £172 million of funding granted by Homes England to support the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town programme, the route will connect into the Gilston development in the north and the town centre in the south. Ultimately other corridors will be created connecting new and existing communities across the town.
Hertfordshire and Essex residents are invited to explore a virtual exhibition, attend online events and complete an online survey about the proposed Hertfordshire Essex Rapid Transit (HERT).
The HERT aims to deliver a step-change in the passenger transport network through an accessible, reliable and affordable mass transit system, connecting Watford and Hemel Hempstead in the west to Harlow (west Essex) in the east.
The HERT will connect people easily to where they live, work and visit and will support economic growth, improve the environment and positively impact existing and new communities.
Having hosted two events with over 130 people in attendance, residents can now visit Places for People’s virtual consultation space based around the first of seven proposed villages for Gilston plus designing the local landscape.
Harlow Council are looking ahead to what the town will be like in 2047, the centenary year of Gibberd’s original New Town masterplan.
They have worked on a draft Town Plan which not only incorporates the HGGT development but sets out a vision for Harlow and how the town could grow further over the next 26 years.
It’s important that Harlow Council get your views on the plan so that it reflects the ambitions and aspirations of our community.