Decorated cycling helmets

HGGT Team Up with Sustrans

HGGT has teamed up with walking, wheeling and cycling charity Sustrans for a series of active travel sessions across Harlow primary schools, workplaces and community groups.

Schools taking part include Hare Street Community, St. Luke’s Catholic Academy, St. Alban’s Catholic Academy and Potter Street Academy who are all working with the Sustrans team and exploring the benefits of travelling actively to school on a regular basis.

Stick Man cycling helmet

Garden Town research recently revealed that 23% of people in Harlow use cycling, walking and buses as their primary mode of travel.

HGGT’s award winning Transport Strategy has objectives of doubling that number across the town in the future, increasing to 60% for residents living in the new Garden Town communities.

St Luke’s were the first Sustrans school to take part in a ‘Bling Your Helmet’ competition during the recent national Cycle to School Week.

The competition aims to get children thinking about being bright and visible while cycling/scooting daily.

30 children blinged their helmet with the St Luke’s house captains selecting the three winners.

If your primary school isn’t working with Sustrans currently but you’d like the Bling Your Helmet resources then send the HGGT Team an email via this link.

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