Gilston Villages, 1-6. aerial shot, artist illustration

Planning Permission Issued for Gilston

Planning permission for 10,000 new homes as part of Harlow & Gilston Garden Town has been issued by East Herts Council.

The outline planning permissions for the Gilston area of the Garden Town comprise 8,500 homes for Places for People across six villages and 1,500 homes for Taylor Wimpey in a seventh village.

Alongside new homes, the development includes facilities for business, retail, sports and leisure and healthcare, as well as community spaces, parks and open spaces, new primary and secondary schools and early years facilities.

Together with the earlier granting of permission for new transport infrastructure schemes known as the Central and Eastern Stort Crossings, the outline permissions are a significant milestone in the process of bringing forward the Gilston area development proposal identified in the Council’s 2018 District Plan.

The planning applications were considered by the District Council’s Development Management Committees on 28 February 2023 and 23 March 2023, where it was resolved that permission be granted subject to the finalisation of conditions and completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure the necessary infrastructure.

Cllr Dan Swords, Chair of the HGGT Joint Committee, commented: “This is an historic day for the Harlow & Gilston Garden Town project and the future of Harlow and Gilston.

“This Garden Town village planning permission signals transformational growth for the area with 10,000 new homes including 2,300 new affordable homes for local people.

“Crucially, this is a leading example for the country and ensures the required infrastructure, to transform the area for existing and new residents, is in place.

“That means £1.3 billion worth of investment into seven new primary schools and two new secondary schools, huge upgrades to our road, walking and cycling infrastructure, new healthcare facilities, a new leisure centre and football hub, as well as over seven acres of employment space to support the growth of local SMEs and attract new investment to create high-skilled jobs for local residents.

“But, more importantly, so much work has been done to ensure that, unlike many other large developments, this truly is a desirable place to live with seven sustainable Garden Town villages.

“That means that over 50% of the village area will be made up of public, open and natural green space and that the designs and layouts of the villages are of the very best quality.

“It also means that these new Garden Town villages will not gridlock roads for existing residents in Harlow and the surrounding areas, or put ever increasing pressure on local services such as GPs, but rather the Harlow and Gilston areas are a better place to live, work, raise a family and grow a business for existing residents as a result of the decisions that have been taken to transform local infrastructure.

“This represents one of the biggest planning permissions ever granted and it gives the green light to new Garden Town villages, new homes, more investment, fantastic opportunities and a brighter future for Harlow and Gilston.”

Councillor Vicky Glover-Ward, Executive Member for Planning and Growth at East Herts Council, said: “We are pleased to issue the planning permissions for the delivery of 10,000 homes and associated infrastructure in the Gilston area.

“This is a major milestone and an important step in achieving sustainable growth in East Herts, and the wider Harlow & Gilston Garden Town.”

Councillor Richard Roberts, Leader of Hertfordshire County Council, said: “The Section 106 agreement represents a significant milestone for Hertfordshire and the Harlow & Gilston Garden Town project.

“It demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that growth is accompanied by the infrastructure needed to support thriving communities.

“My thanks to all five Councils, who have strived to get the best possible deal for existing and new residents, yet to arrive.

“We will be proud of this development when it meets the highest build standards with the right infrastructure creating the homes and communities of the future.”

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